Tuesday, October 15, 2013

lucy is 1

i can't even believe it.  lucy grace is one year old.  on her birthday, i sat back in awe of all that she's blessed us with this past year.  her smiles, her snuggles, her giggles, and so much more.  her first year went by so quickly.  it really did.  it is such a mix of emotions.  i am thankful and i look forward to what next year will bring.  

here's lucy in a nutshell...

MAJOR cheesyball grin.  it's my favorite.  i can't get enough.

waving.  she loves to wave at everyone.  most of the time, it's people we don't know.

her brother.  she is a magnet to him.  she wants to play with his toys.  bonk him on the head.  she gets so excited when he plays with her.  so fun to watch.  

little steps.  she is starting to take itty bitty steps here and there.  mostly holding onto a hand or furniture.  but i think walking is in our near future. 

lucy grace.  thank you for lighting up our world.  we love you!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

9 months

really?  9 months?  how does this happen?

i can't even take it!  i'm trying my best to enjoy every stage, but they seem to be flying by.  here's what 
lu bear
lucy goosie
juicy lucy
has been up to...

lots of smiling.  and when she smiles she scrunches up her little nose.  cutest thing ever.  

crawling.  everywhere!  and everyday she seems to be getting faster and faster.

loves to swim.  we can sit in the public pool for hours and she is content as a a little fish.

her brother.  will always makes her smile and giggle.

changing expressions.  she's kinda nosy.  always wondering what's going on at home.

an early riser.  and she still likes a little visit in the middle of the night too.  

we just love our little sweetness. 


 summer is flying by. 
 it's the middle of july and the long, hot days are flying by. 
the weather has been great.
we've been busy.  

maybe our second family picture...ever?

fun at the lake.  lucy loves the water and enjoys the pontoon rides.  
she can kick back and relax pretty easily.

 how can you not relax with a view like this?

joe and me over the weekend of the 4th.

 trying to get lucy to sit still, look and smile is a challenge these days!

we have been loving the lake.  time with family and friends.
the beautiful weather.  and all things summer. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

8 months

8 months old.  today.  she is just too much fun.  i think the majority of my time spent with her is kissing and cuddling.  she's not big on the cuddling, but that's not stopping me.  here's what else lucy goosie is up to:

smiling.  at everyone!

giggling at her brother's every silly.

rolling and rolling and rolling.

no crawling, but creeping here and there.

starting to cry when things don't go her way.  uh-oh.

interested in the teeny tiny things...zippers, buttons, anything little.

she's still mama's girl.  i'm loving it!

Monday, May 20, 2013

time flies

 may is here.  
last month of kindergarten. 
first month of spring after a never ending winter. 
the days are long but the years are short.  
(i think i'm finally understanding this now.)

little lu has grown so much.  i love spending so much time with her.  just this week, she began reaching, pulling, and pushing to get her hands on anything in sight.  gone are the days of simply sitting on my lap and snuggling.  she has finally learned how to roll over.  this happens the most in her crib.  she has no idea what to do when she flips to her tummy.  it's the cutest thing.  i love the new adventures each day brings for her.  

will is getting bigger, and more mature every single day.  he has the best sense of humor.  he can always make us giggle.  he loves playing.  playing. and more playing.  the kid can play hours on end.  i love the surprise 'smoochies,' snuggles and kisses i get.  i can't believe he will be a first grader soon.  it just doesn't even seem possible. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

this kid

can't get enough of him.

the imagination that doesn't stop.  we play 'bank robber' and use car tracks as money.  a piece of pipe as a light saber.  stuffed animals as wild animals.  he loves jokes and silly humor.  star wars.  legos.  cars.  the brady bunch.  he couldn't be any more literal.  he loves his little sister.  he's a good listener.  his dad is his biggest hero.  he's a rule follower (usually).  so thankful he is in our life. 

5 months

lucy grace

5 months old
time flies.  she is so much fun.  crying days are over.  

she loves to hold our hand or fingers.  all the time.  especially when she is nursing or trying to sleep.

she still hasn't rolled over.  she doesn't care.  and we don't either.  she reaches and stretches, but no rolls.

lots of babbles, squeals, and little giggles.  especially for her big brother.

we just started cereal.  she is a gooooooood eater.  just like her mama.

watch out curry.  lucy is a grabber.  

she is a kicker.  big time.  big powerful kicks to tell us what she wants.

naps are great.  still trying to figure out bedtime.  lots of screams...until she is held.  then she is content.

we are content.  we just love this precious time as a family of four.